Real-Time Systems Lab
The Real-Time Systems Lab is part of the Computer Engineering Institute of Technische Universität Darmstadt (TUD). It is
- a full member of the Electrical Engineering and Communication Technology Department of TUD and
- an associate member of the Computer Science Department of TUD.
It is our research mission to
- develop, tailor, and integrate software engineering methods, languages, and tools (domain-specific, COTS, ... ) and to
- develop and apply metamodeling and model transformation tools for the above mentioned purposes.
Our focus is on the support of concurrent engineering, product line engineering and model-based quality assurance activities in the application domains "Industy 4.0" and self-adaptive communication systems.
The Real-Time Systems Lab offers a broad range of software engineering and programming courses for the following study programmes:
- computational engineering,
- electrical engineering and communication technology,
- industrial engineering / electrical engineering,
- computer science,
- information and communication technology, and
- information system technology.