Research Overview
The research activities of the Real-Time System Lab are centered around the idea of model-driven software engineering. Already finished and still running research projects are organized in 6 clusters shown in the following diagram.
The cluster “Meta-Modeling & Model Transformation” builds the fundament for all other clusters. Based on model engineering technologies and tools developed in this cluster, the “Concurrent Engineering & Tool Integration” as well as the “Model-Based Quality Assurance” clusters represent groups of research projects related to the development of techniques that support synchronization of models across engineering domain on one hand and systematic model-based analysis and testing of software on the other hand. The remaining three clusters “Model-Driven Security Engineering”, “Product Line Engineering”, and “Self-Adaptive Distributed Systems” finally study the application of model-based software engineering concepts from different perspectives with a main focus on high-level specification and generative software engineering techniques. Right now these techniques are mainly used for the development of distributed system monitoring and self-adaptation mechanisms as well as for optimizing software product line quality assurance processes. Studied application domains addressed in cooperations with industry include the model-based development of automation engineering applications, automotive software, etc.
For further details please refer to the more detailed descriptions of these six research clusters.
Table of Research Topics
eMoflon | A tool suite for Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) that provides a range of visual and formal languages for (meta)modelling and model management. eMoflon provides an incremental interpreter for graph patterns and graph transformation rules (for unidirectional model transformation), and for Triple Graph Grammars (TGGs) for bidirectional model transformation. | since 2004 |
MEMIK | The MEMIK approach makes it possible to monitor highly dynamic and structurally complex graph-based models, with the goal to efficiently detect conflicts through the combination of both incremental graph pattern (IGPM) matching and complex event processing (CEP). | 2018 - 2021 |
PROGRES | Visual programming environment based on graph rewriting systems for rapid prototyping graph manipulation tools (joint research project with the Department of Computer Science III, RWTH Aachen) | 1986 - 2006 |
MOMo | MOF-based meta-modeling approach for the description of UML dialects/profiles and automatic adaption of UML tools (joint research project with the Institute of Software Technology, University of the German Armed Forces, Munich) | 2002 - 2004 |
MAKI | MAKI creates an innovative premise for the communication systems of the future. Its aim is to be more adaptive to changes, particularly during ongoing operations. MAKI considers the diversity of Internet as an opportunity by utilizing the individual attributes of particular mechanisms to meet the desired high quality objectives. ES is active in the sub-projects A1 and A4 of MAKI. | 2013 - 2024 |
QuaP2P | In this DFG research group, PhD students of different departments improved basic quality aspects of peer-to-peer networks to challenge classical client-server approaches. We investigated external correctness and consistence of data. As a proof-of-concept a distributed, but nevertheless integrated peer-to-peer-based Integrated Project Support Environment (P2P-IPSE) was developed, which enables a distributed community of users to develop software collaboratively. To achieve interoperability, we improved our ToolNet project, i.e. combine client/server COTS (CASE) tool integration technologies with P2P-based data integration and communication technologies. | 2006 - 2012 |
TGG 3.0 | Triple Graph Grammars (TGG) 3.0: Reliable and Scalable Model Integration | since 2022 |
TGG 2.0 | Triple Graph Grammars (TGG) 2.0: Reliable and Scalable Model Integration | 2017 - 2021 |
GraTram | A Graph-Grammar-Based Approach to Bidirectional Traceability of Related Models | 2016 - 2018 |
CME | Concurrent Manufacturing Engineering | 2013 |
TiE | Tool integration Environment based on Triple Graph Grammars and JMI compliant tool adapters. | 2007 - 2012 |
CMDAE | Model-Driven Automation Engineering | 2009 - 2010 |
Toolnet | XML-based CASE tool integration platform used for the development of embedded automotive system software (joint research project supported by DaimlerChrysler AG, Software Technology Research Lab, Berlin) | 2001 - 2006 |
SEGRAVIS | Syntactic and Semantic Integration of Visual Modeling Techniques (joint research training network supported by European Community - 11 partners) | 2002 - 2005 |
SF 4.0 | The LOEWE project Software-Factory 4.0 (SF4.0) is a 4-year project funded by the German State of Hesse. SF4.0 is concerned with the adaptation of legacy software due to changed requirements and technical advances. | 2018 - 2021 |
feasiPLe | BMBF research project on application of aspect-oriented and model-driven approaches to software product line development. | 2008 - 2010 |
CTT | Rule- and classification-tree-based test data generation tool for automotive system software development (research project supported by DaimlerChrysler AG, Research and Technology, Frankfurt) | 2000 - 2001 |
CASED | Center for Advanced Security Research Darmstadt, a research center supported by the LOEWE campaign of the state of Hesse. | 2008 - 2016 |
IMoTEP | In IMoTEP (Integrated Model-based Testing of Continuously Evolving Software Product Lines) we aim on developing efficient test-suite generation approaches for evolving software product lines (SPL), i.e., testing both predefined re-configuration as well as unforeseen evolution of an SPL. | 2012 - 2016 |