Abgeschlossene Arbeiten

Studentische Arbeiten

Effiziente, abdeckungsgetriebene Test-Suite-Generierung für verschiedene Versionen

Type of thesis: Bachelor-Thesis
State: Abgeschlossene Arbeiten
Thesis closed on: 12.06.2017
Tutor: Dr. rer. nat. Johannes Bürdek

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Test generation is able to produce high quality test cases for a software under test. Model checking is a powerful tool to generate test cases for programs based on counterexamples from reachability analysis. It is already possible to generate test suites for multiple versions of a program by executing the test generation for each version separately. This version-by-version generation is not scalable for a large amount of versions in terms of time used for test generation and space needed for generated test cases. Therefore, we present a version-aware test-suite gen- erator reusing test cases among multiple versions of a given program under test, which we im- plemented by modifying the variability-aware CPA/TIGER algorithm in the software-verification framework CPACHECKER. We evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of our approach by ap- plying test-suite generation with different coverage criteria on four case studies we converted from software product lines into multiple versions of a software. The evaluation reveals dras- tic improvements in space requirements and disadvantages in time boundaries and generation performance.

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