Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Andy Schürr

+49(0)6151 16-22351
fax +49(0)6151 16-22352
S3|06 311
Merckstr. 25
64283 Darmstadt
Consultation Hours / Sprechstunde
Every Thursday, 1400-1500, ONLY on appointment via email ().
Professional Experience
since 2002 | Full Professor at Institute for Data Technology, Department for Electrical Engineering and Communication Technology, Darmstadt University of Technology |
1998 - 2002 | Associate Professor at Institute for Software Technology, Faculty of Computer Science, University of the German Armed Forces, Munich |
1996 | Research Visit at Computing and Information Science Department, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada |
1994 | Research Visit at Chair of Software Engineering and Information Systems, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, The Netherlands |
1993 - 1998 | Scientific Assistant (C1) at RWTH Aachen |
1986 - 1992 | Research Assistant at RWTH Aachen |
1986 | Research Assistant at University of Osnabrück |
University Education
1991 | Doctorate degree (Dr. rer.nat.) in Computer Science RWTH Aachen |
1986 | Diploma in Computer Science (with Mathematics), Munich University of Technology (TUM) |
1980 - 1986 | Computer Science (Mathematics) Studies at Munich University of Technology (TUM) |
Main Research Fields
- Model-based Software Engineering of Embedded Systems
- (Software) Modeling Languages
- Visual Model Transformation and Specification Languages
- Integration of System Engineering Tools and Life Cycle Support
- P2P Technologies for Distributed IDEs
- Model-Based / Product Line Testing
Professional Activities
- Coorganizer of more than 20 national and international conferences and workshops
- Programme Committee Member of more than 130 conferences and workshops
- Memberships:
- ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)
- GI (Gesellschaft für Informatik)
- (Co-)Author of about 150 scientific publications including 12 books and editorials (member of the list of the most cited computer scientists)
- Editorial board member: SOSYM (Software & System Modeling) Journal; since 2004
- Andy Schürr is a member of the steering committees of the German GI Conference on Modeling, the International Conference on Graph Transformations (ICGT), and the ETAPS Conference on Fundamental Aspects of Software Engineering (FASE) as well as a co-founder of the German Computer Society Joint Interest Group on Modeling.